MKT 441 Marketing Management
Prerequisite: Mkt 311, Mkt 330, Mkt 331 – Senior Standing and Marketing Majors / Minors Only
Instructor: Dr. Fahri Karakaya
Office: CCB, 329
Phone: 8745
Office Hours: T-Th 1-2:00 P.M., F 2-3:00 P.M. and by appointment
Office: CCB, Room 329
Department Office: CCB Second Floor
Department Phone:508-999-8446 |
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a capstone course in marketing that integrates marketing and business principles learned in prior courses. Being decision-oriented and analytical, it sets forth a definite way of surveying current developments in marketing practice, with the advantage of allowing the student the freedom, via the case approach, in his or her choice of executive action.
Objectives: To provide students sound theory of marketing strategy, and present an opportunity in integrating theory and practice through case studies. Special emphasis will be placed on students’ developing ability to solve contemporary marketing problems in a global competitive environment and develop a marketing plan.
Required Text: Cravens, David and Piercy, Nigel, Strategic Marketing (Tenth Edition), Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin Co., 2013.
ISBN-13 9780078028908GRADING SYSTEM
The course grade will be determined by the total of the scores received from the following items:
ITEM WeightTest 1
32.5%Test 2
32.5%Case Analysis (5% online postings)
METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: This course will be taught using a variety of techniques. Lectures, class and discussion of assigned cases will serve as the focus of instruction and learning. Students will be expected to familiarize themselves with the course materials and be prepared to respond to questions in class.
Students will also be assigned into teams. Each team will select a local organization. They will be expected to research the firm, identify its marketing programs, assess it ability to leverage its distinctive competencies in the market to gain competitive advantage, project future performance, and develop a marketing plan.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to attend classes regularly and be prepared to discuss the cases and the chapters. Missing unreasonable number of classes may be a cause for dismissal from class.No make-up exams will be given unless there has been an extenuating circumstance(s) supported by proper documentation and prior notice!
EXTRA CREDIT: Not assigned nor accepted.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments are due on the date noted on the course schedule in this document, or when assigned by the professor in class. Late assignments will be accepted, however, for each period they are late, they will be marked down one letter grade. Missing a class is not a good reason reason for late assignments.
A high standard of conduct in one’s academic experience is expected. The academic community does not tolerate any form of “cheating”, the dishonest use of assistance in the preparation of outside or in-class assignments. The principles of academic honesty are violated when a student gives or accepts aid in any graded work. Any attempt to present someone else’s work as one’s own on quizzes, examinations, reports, or term papers constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism also includes verbal, written, or graphic presentation of borrowed material without citing its source. Any violation of this policy will result in course failure. Professor utilizes a plagiarism software to identify any misconduct.=IMPORTANT Classroom Etiquette:
1-Do not be late to class – do not leave the class before it is finished! (major distraction!!)2–Turn off your cell phone and all other electronic devices including your laptop computer iPad, Ipod, etc.,before tha class starts,– Do not text or read your messages while the class is in session!
Violation of this policy consequences: first offense – dismissal from class; second offense dismissal from the course!
3-Do not get up and walk out of the classroom while the class is in session – unless you have an emergency! (major distraction!!)
4-Do not direct your discussion to individual students and speak only after you have been recognized
5-All discussions in the class must be in professional manner
E-Mail Etiquette:
All e-mails sent to the professor must include student name and course title as well as the section number. E-mails must be brief and to the point. If you have an issue that will take more than a few lines to explain in an e-mail, I would suggest seeing me in person. I will respond to all e-mails within 48 hours. You must use your UMass Dartmouth e-mail account to send me e-mails.GROUP RESEARCH PROJECT: During the second class period all students will be assigned into teams. The size of each team depends on the number of students enrolled in the course. Each team will be required to prepare a critical evaluation of the marketing program of a local organization and develop a marketing plan. The evaluation will include a SWOT analysis of the organization and its marketing environment. A review of past performance, current performance, and projections of future performance must be included in the analysis. Additionally, the analysis will identify significant trends and events that may impact the organization and its future. Marketing strategies, including product mix, branding strategy, communications strategies, supply chain relationships, and positioning will be included in the evaluation and development of a marketing plan. In assessing future performance, existing and potential competition must also be evaluated, especially as they impact the organization’s existing and future customers. Recommendations for marketing programs are to be developed as thought they were presented to management of the organization in order to be successful in securing investment. The final report will be limited to 15-20 double-spaced, typed pages (times roman 12 point font), not including appropriate appendices. The printed report turned in must be single page sided.
CASE ANALYSIS: Each student will be assigned to a case analysis team. They will be required to prepare case analysis and present it to the class. The team will have 30 minutes to provide the class the with salient facts, their analysis of the situation, and their recommendations for action. All other teams must read the cases and post their comments as a team to mycourses site on the discussion area 48 hours before the case is due. The team presenting a case study do not post any comments, but will read the postings and include a summary of the postings to their presentation. Students are also encouraged to discuss issues in the cases by responding to other teams’ comments and vice versa.The team presenting a case must conduct external research and support their findings / recommendations with data. THE CASES ARE IN THE TEXTBOOK.
TESTS: The tests are multiple choice and reflect the material discussed in class. The questions come from professor’s lecture notes and the textbook. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the powerpoint slides and take notes on the material that is not in your textbook. The lecture outlines are available in mycourses and they can serve as study guides for the tests.
- UMass Dartmouth Electronic library Resources (PROQUEST GLOBAL, MINTEL and Others) Click here to access
- Marketing Research on The Internet research – click here to access
Marketing Management (MKT 441)
Dr. Fahri Karakaya
DATE TOPIC ASSIGNMENT SEPTEMBER 10 Chapter 1-New Challenges for Market-Driven Strategy Group formation & Assignments 17Ch 2- Markets and Competitive Space
Case 6-5 Toyota (G-1) 24 Ch 3- Strategic Market Segmentation
Ch-4 Strategic Customer Relationship MgCase 6- 3 General Electric (G-2)
Case 6-4 China and India Opportunities (G-3)
Due: Project Proposals (Typed – Double spaced) OCTOBER.
1Ch 5- Capabilities for Learning About Customers and Markets – Marketing Research
Case 6-1 Facebook (G-4) 8Ch 6- Marketing Targeting and Strategic Positioning
Case 6-6 Samsung Electronics (G-1)
Case 6-7 Keuring Inc. (G-2) 15Test 1
Projects Discussions 22 Ch 7- Strategic Relationships Case 6-15 ESPN (G-3)
Due:Project Progress Reports – Written Situation Analysis needs to be completed and turned in 29Ch 8- Innovation and New Product Strategy
Case 6- 10 British Airports (G-4)
NOVEMBER 5 Ch 9- Strategic Brand Management
Ch 11- Pricing Strategy and Management Case 6-8 Tesco (G-1)
Case 6-17 Proctor & Gamble (G-2) 12Ch 11- Pricing Strategy and Management
Ch 12- Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion strategies
Case 6-17 Cowgirl Chocolates (G-3)
Projects Discussions 19Ch 13- Sales, Digital, and Direct Marketing Strategies
Case 6-18 (G-4)
26Project Presentations
All written reports are due DECEMBER 3Test 2
NOTE: additional assignments may be provided as time permits.The professor reserves the right to make modifications to this syllabus.
-Case analysis demonstrates full recognition of multiple problems in the case (5 points)
-Case analysis does not recognize the problems. (0 points)1.2
-The problems mentioned were based on the facts in the case. (5 points)
-The problems mentioned were not based on the facts in the case or skewed the facts in the
case in some way. (0 point)Knowledge
-The analysis recognizes that there might be more information available than is present in the case- it raises questions about information that might be missing or ambiguous. (5 points)
-The analysis does not demonstrate the problem-solver’s recognition that more information might be needed to analyze the case- no questions are asked about missing information.
(0 point)3.2
Knowledge from personal experience
Knowledge from empirical research
Knowledge from theoretical research
-The analysis considers adequate information from information sources (if appropriate).
(5 points)
-The analysis does not consider adequate information from information sources. (0 point)3.3
-The analysis uses facts from the case. (5 points)
-The analysis does not use facts from the case. (0 point)3.4
-The analysis uses facts from outside of the textbook. (5 points)
-The analysis does not use facts from the related case materials. (0 point)3.5
-The facts the analysis highlights from the case are used accurately. (5 points)
-The analysis does not use any knowledge of this kind. (0 point)3.6
-The knowledge the case uses seems to be related to the problems identified as most important. (5 points)
-The knowledge the case uses does not seem to be related to the problems identified as most
Important. (0 point)Recommendations
-The analysis proposed recommendations that seemed reasonable. (5 points)
-The analysis proposed recommendations that did not seem reasonable (0 point)4.2
-The recommendations proposed seem feasible. (5 points)
-The recommendations proposed do not seem feasible. (0 point)
-The recommendations proposed seem deal with the problems deemed the most important. (5 points)
-The recommendations proposed do not seem to deal with the problems deemed the most important. (0 point)Total Points: 55=100%
-Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow, provides clear preview of what they will cover at beginning, and provides strong summary/conclusion of main points (5 points)-Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no logical sequence to the information presented, no preview or summary offered (0 point)
Subject Knowledge
-Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration. (5 points)
-Student does not have grasp of information. (0 point)Graphics
-Student’s graphics explain and reinforce screen text and presentation, overall design of slides is simple, clear, and powerful. (5 points)
-Student uses superfluous graphics or no graphics; slides are poorly designed. (0 point)
Eye Contact
-Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes; engages with specific audience members often. (5 points)
-Student reads all of report with no eye contact. (0 point)Audience Engagement
-Student uses an original or humorous opening to interest audience, projects enthusiasm and sincerity, and language is suitable for the audience. (5 points)
-Language is not suitable for the audience, opening is trite or dull, and student demonstrates no enthusiasm and/or sincerity. (0 point)Total Points: 25=100%
-Establishes and maintains clear focus; evidence of distinctive voice and/or appropriate tone
(20 points)
-Limited awareness of audience and/or purpose (0 point)1.2
Depth and complexity of ideas supported by rich, engaging, and or pertinent details; evidence of analysis, reflection and insight (20 points)
Minimal idea development, limited and/or unrelated detail (0 point)
Use of references indicate substantial research; references appropriate to topic and of high quality (10 points)
Few references (0 point)
Journal of Marketing Referencing style has been followed. (5 points)
Journal of Marketing Referencing style has not been followed. (0 point)
Careful and/or suitable organization demonstrating solid logic. (10 points)
Random or weak organization. (0 point)
-Variety of sentence structure and length; Precise and/or rich language. (5 points)
Incorrect or lack of topic and/or transition sentences. Incorrect and/or ineffective wording and/or sentence structure. (0 point)
No errors in grammar or format (5 points)
Errors in grammar and format (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, headings). (0 point)1.8
Has performed extensive industry analysis on the topic (20 points)
has not performed extensive industry analysis on the topic (0 point)1.9
The paper considers areas related to the topic (5 points)
The paper does not consider areas related to the topic (0 point)1.10
The recommendations are clear and solid (20 points)
The recommendations are not clear and solid (20 points)Total: 120 points